Michael Burnie

If you can meet with Triumph and disaster; And treat those two impostors just the same –Rudyard Kipling

I read the above quote recently from the book The Happiness Equation by Neil Pasricha. I didn't put it in that Bootstrap Jumbotron because it really spoke to me. I put it there as a reminder for why I do things; things like creating this website. I frequently want to work on something productive in my spare time, but I often don't know where to start. This website is a start.

I encourage you, the reader, to do something challenging for yourself. No doubt there's at least one thing already on your mind; even if it's something as simple as taking a long walk.


Image of Michael Burnie

Master of all things IT, world–class drummer, Superman; these are all things I aspire to be. Currently, I am a one–man IT department at a lower–tier municipality—baby steps. I work with great people and I love my job; however, I'm always seeking new challanges. If you have any, feel free to contact me via LinkedIn. Prior to being a full–time computer restarter, I developed computer and web applications.

For details regarding my professional experience, please visit my LinkedIn profile: